Innovation and Research
Ph.D. student in Management at DISA selected to participate in the AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium
BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo.
Innovation and Research
Entrepreneurial support for migrant entrepreneurs: a matter of approach and competences
Results of the Erasmus Plus project MIG.EN.CUBE, co-funded by the European Union
Innovation and Research
24 February 2023: Phd Welcome Day
The University of Bologna welcomes the PhD students of the 38th cycle.
Innovation and Research
At the start: KTSoftSkills - Soft Skills for Knowledge Transfer
Erasmus+ project coordinated by The Alma Mater-Department of Management
Innovation and Research
Inclusive entrepreneurial policies: multicultural companies as an opportunity for growth
The results of the MIG.EN.CUBE project show that incubation contexts can become places for the birth and growth of multicultural entrepreneurship if capable of enhancing diversity.
Awards and Recognitions
Alberto Vacchi: honorary laureate of the Alma MAter
The President and Chief Executive Officer of IMA will receive an honorary degree in Management Engineering during a ceremony in the Aula Magna Santa Lucia.
Innovation and Research
Call for 7 Research Fellows at the Department of Management
We are recruiting
Meetings and Initiatives
International Management Global Reunion 2022
Bologna 17th December 2022
Innovation and Research
Call for 3 Junior Assistant Professors (Fixed-terms) PNRR at the Department of Management
Innovation and Research
3-Minute-Thesis Competition 2023 - Unibo Edition.
Deadline: December 20th, 2022
Meetings and Initiatives
Women on the Move through relationships #Donne in movimento attraverso le relazioni
International day for the elimination of violence against women.
The University of Bologna with Africa: Education & Research to practice