Adjunct Professors and Teaching tutors

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Alessandro Pezzi

Teaching tutor

Gabriele Pierini

Adjunct professor

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Davide Pigiani

Adjunct professor

Teaching tutor

Daniele Pini

Adjunct professor

Federica Pinotti

Adjunct professor

Teaching tutor

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Riccardo Pirazzoli

Adjunct professor

keywords: Digital Marketing, Content marketing, Semiotics, Communication, Marketing, Project Management, Education, Business
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Marcello Poggi

Teaching tutor

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Antonio Puglisi

Adjunct professor

keywords: startups, management

Ilaria Purificato

Teaching tutor

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Alessandra Raggi

Adjunct professor

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Giacomo Ramenghi

Adjunct professor

keywords: Italian accounting standars (OIC), Financial statements, Consolidated financial statements, International accounting
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Matilde Rapezzi

Adjunct professor

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Impression Management, Social Interactions and WOM, Branding, Social Media
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Ranieri Razzante

Adjunct professor

Cristina Re

Teaching tutor

Alessandro Ricci

Adjunct professor

Giovanni Righetto

Teaching tutor