Jason Anastasopoulos (University of Georgia, U.S.A.) - Python

Program: - Getting started with Python, - Python basics and data structures, - Natural Language Processing and Web Scraping (with practical examples).

  • Date: 06 November 2020 from 14:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: On line with TEAMS

  • Access Details: Free admission

Short bio:

Dr. Anastasopoulos is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Sciences, the Department of Public Administration and Policy and is a faculty affiliate at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Georgia. His research focuses on understanding how technology shapes democratic political institutions and decision making with a focus on American and European bureaucracies. He also has research interests in the political economy of immigration and religion.

His work has been published or accepted for publication in the American Political Science Review, Political Analysis, the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Electoral Studies and American Politics Research. Dr. Anastasopoulos also does research on political methodology at the intersection of machine learning, big data and casual inference. His research in this area includes using machine learning algorithms to improve upon classical casual inference techniques, text-as-data, image analysis, scalable missing data imputation and Bayesian casual inference.

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