Mobilizing Public Value: A Framework for Dynamic Value Creation and Adaptation. Seminar on Wednesday, May 22th, 2024

Peter Bloom - Professor of Management at the University of Essex (England - United Kingdom). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

  • Date: 22 May 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00

  • Event location: On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 2, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

This paper introduces the concept of "mobilizing public value" as a framework for understanding how public value creation can be dynamically organized and adapted across contexts. It argues that realizing the full potential of collaborative and innovative approaches to public value creation requires a deeper engagement with the organizational dynamics involved.

Drawing on the novel of theory of "mobile power", it highlight how public value principles can be mobilized through ongoing recalibration and remobilization across diverse settings, akin to how neoliberal doctrines have displayed an exceptional ability to mutate concrete strategies while retaining core ideological tenets.

The paper applies this mobilizing public value framework to analyze Kerala's response to the COVID-19 pandemic through a Rapid Evaluation Assessment methodology combining interviews, documents, and literature review. Findings reveal a "3Ps" approach underpinning Kerala's mobilization strategies: fostering a shared purpose through coordinated expertise, enabling broad-based participation pathways, and implementing localized hybrid practices through state-civil society synergies.

The analysis sheds light on how adaptable governance models transcending public-private binaries, investments in social capital, and decentralized problem-solving can enhance resilience and generate public value during crises. Overall, the study contributes novel theoretical and empirical insights into the organizational, ideological and political dimensions of mobilizing public value creation through inclusive collaboration and participatory democracy. It highlights opportunities and challenges in harnessing society's innovative potential for collective sustainable development amid rapid change and more broadly mobilizing transitions towards post-capitalist alternatives.

Peter Bloom is a Professor of Management at the University of Essex whose research critically examines the role of management, organisational dynamics, and technology for positively transforming work and society in more empowering and emancipatory ways.

He obtained his PhD from the University of Essex in 2009 and is the  Co-Founder of the research centre for “Commons Organizing, Values, Equalities, and Resilience” (COVER).

He is the author of 10 books exploring a range of contemporary issues including the rise of authoritarian capitalism, the corporatization of leadership, cooperative management, and the use of technology for democratizing the economy and society. His scholarly work appears in leading journals and he has contributed commentary to major media outlets like The Washington Post and The Guardian.

Most recently, he has developed an online platform “Shared Futures” for promoting alternative sustainable development models locally and completed a forthcoming policy report on creating "A Good Digital Society" through AI for the British Academy.

He has also lent his expertise to BBC documentaries including the widely watched and acclaimed “The Secretes of Silicon Valley”.

The seminar will be held in English.

Mayor information: Paolo Ferri (