
18 Sep 2024


Does More Liability Mean More Prudence? The Effects of Increasing Directors’ Personal Liability on the Risk-taking in Private Financial Institutions. Seminar on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Annalisa Prencipe - Full Professor at Bocconi University. The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

Concluded events

16 Sep 2024

Presentations and meetings

Welcome Day - Forlì Campus 2024

Online (Teams) and Live at the Teaching Hub - Viale Corridoni n. 20

All the information about our study courses.

13 Sep 2024


Local Delivery Platforms: is a sustainable business model possible?

Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Malvezzi 22 Bologna


9 Sep 2024 10 Sep 2024

Presentations and meetings

Public GomaP - PhD Forum - 39° cycle

Department of Economics - Auditorium

PhD in Public Governance Management e Policy: Research activity presentation

29 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024


19TH EUFIN – 2024

Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45 - Bologna (iItaly)


16 Jul 2024


Intelligenze artificiali e scenari di trasformazione globali: le sfide alle imprese per la governance dell’innovazione - Seminar on Tuesday, July 16th 2024

Only in presence, via Capo di Lucca n°34, first floor

Paolo Benanti - Distinguished Visiting Professor at Seattle University (Washington - USA). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

5 Jul 2024


Generative AI and a 'good AI society'. Seminar on Friday, July 5th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Samuel Fosso Wamba - Prof. at Toulouse Business School (France). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

28 Jun 2024


"Science2Industry" Co-Creation Workshop


CheMatSustain project

26 Jun 2024


The Impact of Risk and Monitoring on the Use of Equity Incentives. Evidence from Customer Concentration. Seminar on Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Ana Albuquerque - Professor at Questrom School of Business - Boston University (Massachusetts - United States of America). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

18 Jun 2024


Global Zombies. Conference and Seminar on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Edward Altman - Professor Emeritus of Finance at Stern School of Business (New York University). The seminar is reserved to PhD students and Professors of the Department of Management.

14 Jun 2024


Does a firm’s ESG pathway build corporate immunity? Seminar on Friday, June 14th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Pilar Velasco - Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

11 Jun 2024


Private equity diversity and talent: do they matter for acquisitive growth? Seminar on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Ranko Jelic - Professor at Sussex University (England - United Kingdom). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.