Bandini, F.; Boni, L.; Fia, M.; Toschi, L., Exploring Tension in Hybrid Organizations in Times of Covid-19 Crisis. The Italian Benefit Corporations’ experience, «JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP», 2025, 16, pp. 299 - 320 [Scientific article] Open Access
Trivellato, Benedetta; Cristofoli, Daniela; Galizzi, Giovanna; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Steccolini, Ileana, Do networks get emotional? The role of leaders’ emotions for (network) success, «PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2025, 27, pp. 956 - 980 [Scientific article]
Linder, C.; Lechner, C.; Villani, E., Make it work - The challenge to diversity in entrepreneurial teams: A configurational perspective, «EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2025, 43, pp. 74 - 88 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ancarani, F.; Kotler, P; Armstrong, G.; Balasubramanian, S.; Costabile, M., Principi di marketing, Milano, Pearson, 2025, pp. 449 . [Research monograph]
Caccialanza, Andrea, Sustainability performance disclosure and family businesses: a perspective article, «JOURNAL OF FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT», 2025, 15, pp. 48 - 56 [Scientific article] Open Access
Padovani, E.; Iacuzzi, S.; Poljasevic, J.; de Souza, S. V., A multicountry analysis of local government financial vulnerability during the 2020 pandemic considering systemic factors, «FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY & MANAGEMENT», 2025, 41, pp. 42 - 59 [Scientific article]
Pedrini, Sabrina; Giovanardi, Massimo; Corrado, Raffaele, The creative city’s swan song? The individualisation of the music scene in Bologna, UNESCO City of Music, «URBAN STUDIES», 2025, 62, pp. 628 - 646 [Scientific article] Open Access
Caccialanza, Andrea; Barabaschi, Barbara, Managing With the “Diverse”: A Gaming Perspective for the Promotion of a More Inclusive and Sustainability-Oriented Culture, in: Giuseppe Modarelli, Christian Rainero, Stefano Amelio, Game-Based Education Approaches to Inclusive Business Management, Pennsylvania, IGI Global, 2025, pp. 51 - 76 (ADVANCES IN BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ANALYTICS BOOK SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Harasheh, Murad; Bouteska, Ahmed, Volatility estimation through stochastic processes: Evidence from cryptocurrencies, «THE NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE», 2025, 75, Part B, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
DE VITO, Antonio; Hillmann, Lisa; Jacob, Martin; Vossebürger, Robert, Do Personal Income Taxes Affect Corporate Tax-motivated Profit Shifting?, «JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS», 2025, 79, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]
Bullini Orlandi, Ludovico; Bottura, Marco; Veglianti, Eleonora; Zardini, Alessandro, Less is more: digital and physical sustainability shortage impact on entrepreneurial intention, «INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2025, 21, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Hubert, M.; Kazemi, S.; Hubert, M.; Carugati, A.; Mariani, M. M., The exploration of users’ perceived value from personalization and virtual conversational agents to enable a smart home assemblage– A mixed method approach, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT», 2025, 80, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Alimehmeti, Genc; Ndoka, Ervisa; Paletta, Angelo, Cultivating green pioneers: examining the antecedents of sustainable entrepreneurial intent in higher education, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION», 2025, ahead of print, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello; Montani, F.; Morandin, Gabriele; Grenier, S., Being a Family Supportive Team Leader: Implications for Team Emotional Climate and Performance, «JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2025, 98, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cosma, Simona; Cosma, Stefano; Pennetta, Daniela; Rimo, Giuseppe, Overcoming the “valleys of death” in Advanced Therapies: the role of Finance, «SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE», 2025, 366, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mersico, Luigi; Aureli, Selena; Foschi, Eleonora, Exploring the role of digital platforms in promoting value co-creation: evidence from the Italian municipal solid waste management system, «SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING, MANAGEMENT AND POLICY JOURNAL», 2025, ahead of print, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article]
DE VITO, Antonio; Jacob, Martin; Schindler, Dirk; Xu, Guosong, How do corporate tax hikes affect investment allocation within multinationals?, «REVIEW OF FINANCE», 2025, 00, pp. 1 - 35 [Scientific article]
Villarroel Ordenes, Francisco; Packard, Grant; Hartmann, Jochen; Proserpio, Davide, Using Traditional Text Analysis and Large Language Models in Service Failure and Recovery, «JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH», 2025, Forthcoming, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
Munari, F.; Righi, H. M.; Toschi, L., Across disciplines, to make an impact. The technological impact of boundary-spanning research projects, «TECHNOVATION», 2025, 141, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access
Boni, Leonardo; Fini, Riccardo; Toschi, Laura, How B Corps Are Hybrid? Unpacking Hybridity in Social Enterprises, «BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT», 2025, forthcoming, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access