Paletta, Angelo, Improving Students’ Learning Through School Autonomy: Evidence From the International Civic and Citizenship Survey, «JOURNAL OF SCHOOL CHOICE», 2014, 8, pp. 381 - 409 [Scientific article]
Poliandri, Vincenza; Mattarelli, Elisa; Bertolotti, Fabiola; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita; Grandi, Alessandro, The Effect of Consistency Between Leadership and Technology on Knowledge Integration in GDTs, in: Information Systems, Management, Organization and Control. Smart Practices and Effects., New York City, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 263 - 271 (LECTURE NOTES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ORGANISATION) [Chapter or essay]
Maria Gabriella, Baldarelli, Professioni contabili e reti di aziende turistiche: un caso di scuola e prime riflessioni teoriche, in: Maria Gabriella Baldarelli, Le aziende turistiche in "rete", ROMA, ARACNE, 2014, pp. 165 - 204 [Chapter or essay]
Maria Gabriella, Baldarelli, I musei in "rete": la rendicontazione esterna dell'associazione "Sistema museale della Provincia di Ancona", in: Le aziende turistiche in "rete", Roma, Aracne, 2014, pp. 205 - 220 (Quaderni di Ricerca Economico-aziendale: Teoria e Casi) [Chapter or essay]
Mariani, MM; Baggio, R.; Buhalis, D.; Longhi, C., Tourism Management, Marketing and Development: the Importance of Networks and ICTs, New York, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014, pp. 265 . [Research monograph]
Bonoli, Alessandra; Zanni, Sara, Indoor air quality in waste treatment: Environmental issue and biotechnology application for air pollution containment, a case study, «WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT», 2014, 10, pp. 529 - 541 [Scientific article]
Mariani, M.M.; Baggio, R.; Buhalis, D.; Longhi, C., Introduction, in: Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Volume I: The Importance of Networks and ICTs, New York, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014, pp. 1 - 14 [Chapter or essay]
Mariani, M.M.; Baggio, R.; Buhalis, D.; Longhi, C., Conclusion, in: Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Volume I: The Importance of Networks and ICTs, New York, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014, pp. 257 - 259 [Chapter or essay]
Mariani MM; Kylanen M, Cooperative and coopetitive practices: Cases from the tourism industry, in: Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Volume I: The Importance of Networks and ICTs, New York, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014, pp. 149 - 178 [Chapter or essay]
Giuri, Paola; Grimaldi, Rosa; Villani, Elisa, Supporting academic entrepreneurship: Cross-country evidence in Europe, «ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE», 2014, 41, pp. 215 - 236 [Scientific article]
Bonoli, A; Bamonti S; Zanni S.; Bignozzi M. C.; Simion I.;Gavrilescu M., ECO-EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE, «PROCEDIA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT», 2014, 1, pp. 149 - 153 [Scientific article]
Sara, Zanni; Isabela, Maria Simion; Alessandra, Bonoli; Maria, Gavrilescu; Maria Chiara, Bignozzi; Silvia Bamonti, CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE:A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY TOWARD ECO-DESIGNED CONCRETE, «PROCEDIA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT», 2014, 1, pp. 155 - 160 [Scientific article]
Eric, Scorsone; Emanuele, Padovani, Through the complexity of bankruptcy in local governments, «PUBLIC FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT», 2014, 14, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Emanuele, Padovani; David W., Young, Outsourcing: A Primer for Public Sector Organizations, Cambridge, Massachussets, The Crimson Press, 2014, pp. 121 . [Research monograph]
Toschi, Laura, L’uso strategico del Corporate Venture Capital. Come le grandi imprese sfruttano le risorse esterne per creare nuove competenze., Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2014, pp. 116 . [Research monograph]
Mariani, MARCELLO MARIA; Baggio, R.; Buhalis, D.; Longhi, C., Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Volume I: The Importance of Networks and ICTs, NEW YORK, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2014, pp. 265 . [Research monograph]
Mariani, M.M.; Baggio, R.; Czakon, W., Managing Tourism in a Changing World. Issues and Cases, LONDON, ROUTLEDGE, 2014, pp. 128 . [Research monograph]
Baggio, R.; Czakon, W.; Mariani, M.M, Introduction: Managing Tourism in a Changing World, in: Managing Tourism in a Changing World. Issues and Cases, LONDON, ROUTLEDGE, 2014, pp. 1 - 3 [Chapter or essay]
Kylanen, M.; Mariani, M.M., Unpacking the temporal dimension of coopetition in tourism destinations: evidence from Finnish and Italian theme parks, in: Managing Tourism in a Changing World. Issues and Cases, London, Routledge, 2014, pp. 61 - 74 [Chapter or essay]
Mariani, MM, Текущее состояние теории сетевых форм организации бизнеса:.основные подходы, in: Методология исследования сетевых форм организации бизнеса, Moscow, Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Научно-учебная лаборатория сетевых форм организации, 2014, pp. 50 - 70 [Chapter or essay]