DigiSE5.0-Unlocking the capacity of future social entrepreneurs to effectively drive digital transition by embedding a forwardlooking and competence-oriented training programme in Social Economy Education

Erasmus Plus

Funding Agency : Co-funded by the European Union

Digi5.0 aims at supporting SE educators to equip students with digital skills to drive SE digital transition by exploiting the educational potential of Digital Value Creation Labs. To this end, the project aims to offer flexible training pathways and resources for educators to integrate DVCLabs into their settings; and a mutli-stakeholder, competence- and challengebased Curriculum to develop students’ digital skills, innovative initiative-taking, and creativity to accelerate SE digital transition.

The project activities include research activities (mapping, surveys,interviews), co-design sessions leading to a Blended Capacity Building Programme targeted to HEIs educators and delivered through International Training, MOOC and Webinars; and development of the DigiSE5.0 Curriculum targeted to SE students and co-created through DVCLabs in PL, GR, IT,BE; delivered through a short-term Accelerator Programme (piloting).

Expected results: 

  • Capacity Building Programme to train SE educators through a Living Labs seminar and a MOOC on how to effectively equip their students to drive SE digital transition
  • Develop DigiSE5.0 curriculum and deliver innovative competence- and challenge-based learning activities powered by DVCLabs, to students of SE faculties
  • Demonstrate and promote the educational potential of DVCLabs within SE through an Accelerator Program and Policy recommendations.


  • ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA / Department of Management (Italy)
  • Cooperatives  Europe asbl (Belgium)

Unibo-DiSA Team Leader: Federica Bandini

Unibo-Disa Team: Daniela Bolzani, Paola Canestrini, Francesca Regoli

Total project budget: 400,000€

Duration: September 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2027