Consumer analytics and technology transformation in sports marketing and management (CATTSMM)

PRIN – Projects of Relevant Interest National

Funding Agency:  Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR)

Funding Program: Projects of Relevant National Interest - PRIN 2022

New technologies and data analytics represent more and more an evolution of the traditional understanding of sports marketing as they are becoming more accessible, reliable, and feasible. However, they still require training in data skills and technology integration with strategic and operational marketing to be used efficiently by sports marketers as superior tools for value creation and delivery.

Sports marketers should capitalize on technology’s benefits by harnessing the power of data; thinking agilely, and looking at the customer/fan experience end-to-end. 

This project starts from the above premise. Based on a database of 12,000 players, 100,000 observations, and 18,000 videos already available to the researchers, we aim to understand applications of new technologies in sports, both in data collection and generation (and in the experience/interface with the consumers. 

Ultimately, the project aims to understand how new technologies benefit sports marketers (scholars and practitioners).

DiSA role: Principal Investigator

DiSA Team Leader: Daniele Scarpi

DISA Team members: Giuseppe Cappiello

Project Partners:

  • Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Università degli Studi di Salerno

Total Project cost:  271,532 €

Start date: 29/09/2023  - End date: 28/09/2025

Financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU through the Italian Ministry of University and Research under PNRR - Mission 4 Component 2, Investment 11