Almae Matris and the Department of Management

P.hD.s group
Photo by Maria Montalbò

Thanks to the Departments of Excellence project, the Department of Management has contributed to creating the Alma Matris Alumni Association: the Alumni Community of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

Through the AMA Community social platform, it is possible to build a network of professional and personal relationships between Graduate Alumni and Junior Alumni.

The Association is structured in Chapters Groups: each Group involves the Alumni sharing a common identity,  Alumni who are part of the same professional family, who attend or have attended the same course of study or courses in the same disciplinary sector, or Alumni who share the same cultural and social interests.

  • The DiSA Chapter Groups are:
    Management Chapter, which includes the Alumni of the Degree Courses belonging to the Department of Business Sciences of its offices (Bologna, Forlì, and Rimini).
  • CLAMDA Group, which brings together Alumni of the second Cycle Degree in International Management

Learn more about AMA