PHD programmes

PhD programme degrees are the highest academic recognition and provide the competence required to carry out research activities and teach at the university. The listed PhDs are offered by the Department.

Academic Year 2025/2026

PhD in

Public Governance, Management and Policy (Public-GoMaP)

Coordinator: Prof. Emanuele Padovani

Language: English Italian

Call for applications: open

More info

PhD website

PhD in


Coordinator: Prof. Riccardo Fini

Language: English

Call for applications: open

More info

PhD website

Industrial Ph.D. Program in Computer Science and Engineering - Specialization in Intelligenza Artificiale e Gestione dell'Innovazione.

Training the next generation of computer scientists and engineers, equipped with cutting-edge technical competencies and a solid background in innovation management.

The 3-year Ph.D. Program is offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in partnership with the Department of Management and the Eric and Wendy Schmidt center of Bologna Business School, in collaboration with the most important industries at local and national level.

An interdisciplinary course entirely taught in English.

Learn more

Ph.D. in Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges – FRONTIER Program (2021-2022)

Training professionals in earth and climate sciences, food production, economics, human health in the environmental context, and social sciences in climate change, for careers in academia, research, government, industry, and international organizations. 

Three-Years course entirely taught in English,  it is coordinated by the Department of  Physics and Astronomy and involves fifteen University Departments. 

Visit the course website.