Generative AI and a 'good AI society'. Seminar on Friday, July 5th, 2024

Samuel Fosso Wamba - Prof. at Toulouse Business School (France). The seminar is reserved to Department of Management.

  • Date: 05 July 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00

  • Event location: On line (Teams) and live in Aula Seminari 1, via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been seen as the next productivity frontier because of its high capability to transform almost all aspects of intra- and inter-organizational operations across industries. The emergence of generative AI (Gen-AI) within the business community has further accelerated the interest in AI.  

Yet very few empirical studies have been conducted to assess the actual value of AI and Gen-AI. This talk will first present and discuss insights from a bibliometric analysis of 40,147 documents retrieved from the Web of Science database dealing with a "good AI society."

Then, the talk will present and discuss the results of our team's recent empirical studies on AI and Gen-AI across various industries and countries (e.g., France, UK, USA).  

Samuel Fosso Wamba is a Full Professor of Information Systems and Data Science and Associate Dean for Research at TBS Education, France, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Dr. Fosso Wamba is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists in business and management based on journal publications and citation impact. His research focuses on IT business value, adoption of interorganizational systems, use and impacts, AI for business, business analytics, and big data.

Dr. Fosso Wamba’s work has been featured in leading information systems and operations management journals, earning awards for best paper in journals like the Academy of Management Journal. He is a CompTIA RFID+ Certified Professional and has been recognized as one of the foremost academic data leaders of 2021 by the CDO Magazine.

Dr. Fosso Wamba earned a PhD in industrial engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, Canada. 

The seminar will be held in English.

Mayor information: Marcello Maria Mariani (