Call For Expression of Interest Tenure Track Assistant Professor
In the area of Marketing
Published: 24 April 2024 | Innovazione e ricerca
The Department of Management (DISA) at the University of Bologna launches a call for interest for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor in Marketing.
This position offers an exciting opportunity for individuals with a passion for research and a drive to excel in academia.
The position can be officially launched in the following months - following the standard procedures and the official communication channels - and the appointment can begin by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025.
- Company: Alma Mater studiorum - Università di Bologna
- Location: Italy / Bologna
- Discipline: Marketing; Subject Group Code (SSD) - SECSP/08
- Employment Type: Tenure Track
- Employment Duration: 6 years
- Application Deadline: June 7th, 2024
- Contact Person: Elisa Montaguti (elisa.montaguti@unibo.it), Chiara Orsingher (chiara.orsingher@unibo.it).
Position Description
We are looking for a talented individual to join our faculty as a six-year tenure track assistant professor in Marketing.
The successful candidate will be expected to conduct high-quality research, publish in top-tier academic journals, and contribute to the Department's teaching and service activities.
Candidates with expertise in any area of Marketing, including but not limited to consumer behavior, digital marketing, branding, marketing strategy, and marketing analytics, are encouraged to apply.
Tenure-track positions involve teaching the equivalent of 60 hours per year in English or Italian at the undergraduate, MSc, and doctoral levels and, potentially, involvement in executive education programs at Bologna Business School.
Position Requirements
- A Ph.D. in Marketing or a related field from a reputable institution.
- Publications in leading academic journals or evidence of good potential for research productivity are also demonstrated by a promising research pipeline.
- Evidence of teaching excellence or potential for outstanding teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- Ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues and contribute to the collegial atmosphere of the department.
- Commitment to engaging in impactful research that addresses real-world marketing challenges.
Application Process
Applications should be submitted by June 7th, 2024, exclusively via this APPLICATION FORM.
The submission should include the following materials:
- Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications and teaching experience.
- Research statement outlining current and future research interests.
- Teaching statement describing teaching philosophy and experience.
- The names and contact information for up to two reference letters
- Any additional supporting materials deemed relevant
Salary is determined by national provisions, and funding for research-related activities, including travel to international conferences, is provided. In addition, faculty are supported in applying for research funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research and other European funding agencies.
The University of Bologna is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to diversity in the workplace.
The University of Bologna
The Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (UNIBO) was founded in 1088, and it is considered the oldest university in the Western world and the first research university in the world. UNIBO boasts over 93,700 enrolled students, 31 Departments, 5 Schools, 5 Campuses, and nearly 6000 employed as faculty members or administrative staff. 252 Degree Programmes are offered in the 2022/23 academic year, including 96 international Degree Programmes, 79 of which are taught in English; 48 Ph.D. programs, 56 specialization schools, and 92 Master's programs.
The Department of Management (DISA)
The position will be hosted by the Department of Management (DISA), renowned for its commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and innovation. As one of the leading institutions in Italy and Europe, we foster a dynamic and collaborative environment that encourages intellectual curiosity and academic rigor.
DISA has grown rapidly in national and international recognition and stands in leading positions in international research rankings. It has three branches in Bologna, Forlì, and Rimini, counting about 100 faculties, and is a point of reference for teaching and research activities in Management and all its disciplines. DISA research is focused on strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, and international business. DiSA faculty have published in prestigious outlets, including the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategic Organization.
The Department of Management coordinates several undergraduate Master's programs and participates in the activities of Bologna Business School, to which the candidate will be invited to contribute.
Further Information
Should you have any questions regarding this call, please contact Elisa Montaguti (elisa.montaguti@unibo.it) and Chiara Orsingher (chiara.orsingher@unibo.it).