SESG - Integrated Platform for Enhanced Analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reports

PNRR - Spoke 9

SESG aims at developing a platform for supporting the analysis of non-financial disclosure statement of ESG data from DNF ("Dichiarazione Non Finanziaria") and sustainability reports and to simulate the coherence of indicators data from real-world scenarios. The platform will leverage advanced analytics and visualization tools to foster informed decision-making and deepen insights into sustainability practices and actions.

The significance of ESG reporting is crucial in assessing corporate impact on sustainability themes. Organizations are increasingly expected to perform and implement sustainability related practices and targets and report these efforts transparently. Our project responds to the growing complexity and volume of ESG data, necessitating more sophisticated tools for practical analysis and interpretation.

Our objectives include consolidating diverse ESG data sources into a single database and integrating traditional data processing with advanced technologies like NLP and LLMs to interpret ESG reports and generate actionable insights. SESG will also perform simulations on ESG metrics derived by data coming from the field: using a cockpit simulator diverse drivers style data will be collected about drivers wellness, engines efficiency and consumes. This data will be feed some environmental (carbon footprint) and social KPIs (like the risk of accidents in 30 Zones).

Expected results: 

  • Development of a dynamic driving simulator with a realistic simulation cockpit environment, for analyzing driver’s wellness and the impact of driving style and driving policies on environment and safety
  • Development of novel models related to Generative AI and the use of LLM
  • Development of interactive dashboard according to the digital twins reference model developed in the SPOKE9
  • Development of an innovative database that builds on companies’ sustainability and ESG reports and non-financial disclosure reports and provides a standardized set of metrics that capture companies’ ESG performance.
  • Benchmarking analyses that compare ESG performance of different industrial sectors of services across Italy and the EU.
  • Exploration of the drivers of a company’s sustainability performance.

Expected impact results: 

  • Ethical validation and impact of the ESG metrics identified by the project.
  • Provide banks and financial services with open ESG data that can be used to assess a company’s credit risk.
  • The ESG data can be adopted to analyze the ability of a company – or an entire sector – to adapt to climate-related risks.
  • To explore a company’s decarbonization strategy and assess its current and future climate change-mitigation potential.
  • Gap analysis that assesses the degree of compliance of each company’s ESG report to the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
  • Environmental impact: Efficacy of actions like ‘Zone 30’ in cities
  • Societal impact: Awareness about the risk of accidents related to driving styles
  • Business and governance impact: definition of comparable metrics related to ESG reports


  • IFAB – International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development (Coordinator)
  • SII - Transversal Research Group on Societal Implications and Impact
  • UniSalento
  • UniBo
  • UniNa
  • EmilBanca (IFAB)
  • Confindustria Emilia Centro (IFAB)

DiSA Team: Matteo Mura, Marilina Longo

Duration: 12 months

Total project budget: 1.232.750€