
Innovation and Research

Answer the Call for Startup 2022

From 1 December 2021 to 21 January 2022, the Call for StartUp is open for students and fresh graduates with innovative ideas and startuppers.

Innovation and Research

The new Instagram channel dedicated to divulging the research and culture of the University of Bologna

Uniboper is the new Instagram profile of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna where research and culture are made accessible to the young generations, schools, and the wider community.

Innovation and Research

Research Day - University of Bologna - September, 15 th 2021

Complesso di Santa Cristina della Fondazza - Piazzetta Morandi n°2 - Bologna

Innovation and Research

I.D.E.A. Innovation - Development - Entrepreneurship - Alma Mater

Turn research into a business idea

Innovation and Research

Unibo's podcasts are on Spreaker!

Tales Research

Innovation and Research

ER4Justice research grants - deadline: June, 11th 2021

35 research grants for young graduates

Innovation and Research

Call for applications – Una Europa Chair of Sustainability at the Jagiellonian University. Deadline: 1 May

The call for applications aimed at outstanding senior academics from Una Europa universities, interested in the position of Chairholder in the Focus Areas of Sustainability, is now open.

Innovation and Research

Call for research stays in the best foreign Universities - Dead line: 20 febbraio 2020

GHAIA EU Project offers mobility grants to PhD students, postdocs, researchers, faculties or staff on mathematical, statistical and computational methods with applications to engineering and science.