
Awards and Recognitions
Doctoral thesis - awards
Does your doctoral thesis have a potential social impact on the city of Bologna?
Awards and Recognitions
Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant
Deadline: 20 February 2024.

Awards and Recognitions
Unibo doctoral student wins ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award.
The prestigious award, was given during the Association of Consumer Research's annual conference to Musa Essa PhD student at DISA.

Awards and Recognitions
Matteo Vignoli, Associate Professor of Management Engineering
The new Editor in Chief of the CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation

Awards and Recognitions
Alberto Vacchi: honorary laureate of the Alma MAter
The President and Chief Executive Officer of IMA will receive an honorary degree in Management Engineering during a ceremony in the Aula Magna Santa Lucia.

Awards and Recognitions
International Accounting & Finance Doctoral Symposium
The Department of Management wins 2 prizes out of 4.