Mariachiara Colucci; Alessandra Vecchi, Tackling Climate Change with End-of-Life Circular Fashion Practices—Remade in Italy with Amore, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT», 2024, 35, pp. 1157 - 1179 [Scientific article] Open Access
Arduino, Francesca Romana; Buchetti, Bruno; Harasheh, Murad, The veil of secrecy: Family firms’ approach to ESG transparency and the role of institutional investors, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2024, 62, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Luppi, Elena; Ricci, Aurora; Bolzani, Daniela, Diventare intraprendenti e sviluppare il proprio potenziale : modelli e strumenti per la valutazione delle competenze trasversali per l’imprenditorialità/intraprendenza, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2024, pp. 187 (PROCESSI E LINGUAGGI DELL’APPRENDIMENTO). [Research monograph] Open Access
Del Baldo, Mara; Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Righini, Elisabetta, Introduction, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 1 - 11 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [Chapter or essay]
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella; Ceraulo, Simona, Collective Value Co-creation and Accountability in Purpose-Driven Place-based Companies: Theory and Practice, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 177 - 199 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [Chapter or essay]
Radaelli, Giovanni; Mura, Matteo; Spiller, Nicola; Lettieri, Emanuele, Social bonding and the multi-professional service teams: a cross-level test of team social capital influence on knowledge sharing, «PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL», 2024, 35, pp. 1112 - 1126 [Scientific article] Open Access
Caccialanza, Andrea; Torelli, Riccardo, The role of trade associations in promoting corporate sustainability transition and reporting: A case study in the food supply chain, «CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2024, on line first, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
Carly A. Fletcher; Selena Aureli; Eleonora Foschi; Walter Leal Filho; Jelena Barbir; Freddys R. Beltran; Liisa Lehtinen; Craig E. Banks, Implications of consumer orientation towards environmental sustainability on the uptake of bio-based and biodegradable plastics, «CURRENT RESEARCH IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY», 2024, 7, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Wilczewski, Michał; Gorbaniuk, Oleg; Mughan, Terence; Giuri, Paola; (Lily) Li, Ming, The development and cross-cultural validation of a Student Online Learning Experience Scale, «JOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION», 2024, 48, pp. 481 - 495 [Scientific article]
Thanh Ha, Le; Bouteska, Ahmed; Harasheh, Murad, Dynamic Connectedness Between FinTech and Energy Markets: Evidence from Fat Tails, Serial Dependence, and Bayesian Approach, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE», 2024, 93, pp. 574 - 586 [Scientific article]
Greta Serpente, Giulia Martinelli, Daniela Bolzani, Serpente, G., Martinelli, G., & Bolzani, D. (2024). 17 Entrepreneurial Support for Migrant Entrepreneurs: A Systematization of a Growing Stream of Literature. De Gruyter Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship, 339., in: Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship, 339., Berlino, De Gruyter, 2024, pp. 339 - 367 [Chapter or essay]
De Nito, Ernesto; Caccialanza, Andrea; Canonico, Paolo; Favari, Edoardo, Analyzing the role of social value in megaprojects: toward a new performance framework, «MEASURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE», 2024, 28, pp. 243 - 254 [Scientific article] Open Access
Del Baldo M.; Baldarelli M.G.; Righini E., Introduction, in: M. Del Baldo, M.G. Baldarelli, E. Righini,..., Place Based Approaches to Sustainability Volume II, Cham, Palgrave, 2024, pp. 1 - 12 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN ASSOCIATION WITH FUTURE EARTH) [Preface]
Baldarelli, M. -G.; Del Baldo, M., COVID-19 Pandemic, New Technologies and Relational Goods Challenges in Higher Education: Are We Closer (to Sustainability) or Further Away? Insights from Italy, in: S. Puiu, S. O. Idowu, Online Education during COVID-19 and Beyond: Opportunities, Challenges and Its Future, Cham, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 83 - 101 (CSR, SUSTAINABILITY, ETHICS & GOVERNANCE) [Chapter or essay]
Bergami, Massimo; Bullini Orlandi, Ludovico; Giuri, Paola; Lipparini, Andrea; Manca, Claudia; Poggioli, Gilberto; Russo, Marcello; Viale, Pierluigi, Embracing tensions throughout crises: The case of an Italian university hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, «HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2024, 49, pp. 186 - 197 [Scientific article] Open Access
Caccialanza, Andrea; De Nito, Ernesto; Canonico, Paolo; Misuraca, Michelangelo; Irpino, Antonio, Sustainability Disclosure of Sports Mega-events: A Bibliometric Review Article, in: Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects, Zurigo, Springer, 2024, pp. 100 - 111 (LECTURE NOTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]
Vieira, Leticia Canal; Serrao-Neumann, Silvia; Howes, Michael, Urban food planning and management in Melbourne: current challenges and practical insights, «INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES», 2024, 0, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
Martinelli, Giulia; Serpente, Greta; Bolzani, Daniela, Social Incubators and Accelerators for Migrant Entrepreneurs: Exploratory Insights From Italy, in: Sustainable Development Goals Series., London, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2024, pp. 269 - 288 (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Luca Zan; Roberta Ferrarini;, Unesco e Venezia: un rapporto difficile, in: Venezia tra storia sviluppo e sostenibilità, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024, pp. 277 - 294 (FUORI COLLANA) [Chapter or essay]
Aureli, Selena; Battilani, Patrizia; Mariotti, Alessia, Esplorando la relazione fra cittadinanza globale, turismo sostenibile e patrimonio culturale, in: UNESCO. Turismo sostenibile fra patrimonio locale e cittadinanza globale, Bologna, Università di Bologna, 2024, pp. 7 - 11 (Il patrimonio culturale: riflessioni e prospettive) [Chapter or essay] Open Access