Funding Program: Erasmus Plus
European Program -Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership for Adult Education
Funding Agency: Co-funded by the European Union
MIG.EN.CUBE is set to take into account the current critical issues in fostering migrant entrepreneurship in Europe, characterized by a fragmentation of incubation programs targeting migrant entrepreneurs, the diversity of actors that provide incubation activities, a strong focus on the “demand side” (i.e., migrant entrepreneurs) but a lack of training opportunities and exchange of best practices for incubation professionals targeting this group, and the super-diversity of (would-be) migrant entrepreneurs.
MIG.EN.CUBE seeks to enhance diverse incubation professionals' knowledge and competencies in dealing with (would-be) super-diverse entrepreneurs.
The aim is to foster migrant entrepreneurs' opportunities to learn and experience how to start and grow a successful business.
The project aims to (1) increase the understanding of the specific incubation needs of migrant entrepreneurs and the competencies required for incubation professionals working with them; (2) systematize and share best practices for innovative incubation programs for migrants across Europe; (3) provide incubation professionals with new, tried-and-tested materials and tools for advising, training, performing, and assessing incubation for migrant entrepreneurs.
The methodology of the project is designed around four main phases:
(1) the preparation phase carried out before the beginning of the project and within the first three months of activity;
(2) a scanning and assessment phase, where the partners will be involved in qualitative and quantitative research to produce a Synoptic Scan on incubation activities for migrants (led by the University of Amsterdam) and a Training Needs Diagnostic Assessment (conducted by the University of Bologna) to understand the specific training needs of migrant entrepreneurs and incubation professionals dealing with this group;
(3) the production phase, which regards the development of training content targeted to incubation professionals, consisting of the development and piloting of “Incubating Migrant Entrepreneurs” MOOC (led by Institut Supérieur de Gestion) and “The Inclusive Incubator” Guidebook (led by Fondazione Grameen).
(4) the dissemination phase aimed to achieve impact and relevance through public presentations, scientific and non-scientific publications, the project website, and other virtual repositories.
Coordinator: Dr. Daniela Bolzani; Team members: Prof. Federica Bandini, Prof. Rosa Grimaldi, and Prof. Laura Toschi - University of Bologna Department of Management - Italy -
Partners: Universiteit Van Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Institut Supérieur de Gestion – France
Fondazione Grameen Italia - Italy
Impact Hub Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Place Network - France
Impact Hub Company - Austria
Migration Policy Group - Belgium
UNCTAD, Associate Partner - Switzerland
Duration: 30 months – from 1/11/20 to 30/04/23
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities