Research Projects Archive
EIBURS - Financing Knowledge Transfer in Europe (FinKT)
PRIN2011- Market and non-market mechanisms for the exchange and diffusion of innovations: when they work, when they don't work and whỳ we are interested in.
Tempus - Network for Post Graduate Masters and PhD in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries - CHTMBAL
Tempus - Reformation of the Curricula on Built Environment in the Eastern Neighbouring Area – CEN EAST
Tempus - Regional Joint Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and SME management for Western Balkan Countries - DOCSMES
People - Marie Curie/CIG - The impact of Chinese Acquisitions on the Luxury Made in Italy – MIIFDLUX
Erasmus Intensive Programme - Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit and Energy Management in Housing (2nd edition)
LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - Collaborative Reformation of Curricula on Resilience Management with Intelligent Systems in Open Source and Augmented Reality – RESINT
Swiss National Science Foundation - Business Model Dynamics – Sinergia
ERA-NET ICT-Agri2 - Precision agriculture– Methodology for Cost Benefit Analysis – PAMCoBA
Erasmus Plus - Empowering Museum Professionals & Heritage Organizations Staff by cultural entrepreneurship training and research – EMPHOS
ABC4E - ATTRACT Behavioral Change 4 ERI scientists
DIN-ECO - Boosting Digital Innovation and Transformation Capacity of HEIs in an Entrepreneurial ecosystem
Climate KIC- Industrial demonstration of sludge to bioplastic pathway B-PLAS DEMO
E3Train - European Entrepreneurial Educators Training Program
REINSER - Refugees' Economic Integration through Social Entrepreneurship
INTEGRES - Integrated Reporting and Education for Sustainability
UNCHARTED - Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE - Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe
People - Marie Curie/CIG/TASTE
SE 4Ces - Social Economy 4Ces: Joining Social Economy Forces towards Community development, Connected societies, Cocreation of knowledge and Collaborative education practices
PRIN 2012 - Collaboration and Combination: A Relational Analysis of Creativity in Art and Science
Alma Idea – La MOBILITà accademica in Italia: determinanti, rilevanza e impatto (MOBILITI)
MIG.EN.CUBE. - Fostering MIGrant Entrepreneurship inCUBation in Europe
SCG - SME Cluster Growth project
DYLMIC - Polish N.A. for Academic Exchange - Adaptation and Evaluation D.Y.L. Methodology to Individualized Career Planning in Higher Education Institutions
Climate KIC - Catalysing a switch to a circular economy through plastic waste prevention- eCircular
ERC European Research Grant - Diversity and Performance: Networks of Cognition in Markets and Teams - BLINDSPOT
International Call on B Corps - Breadth and Depht Strategies of B Corps in Pursuing SDGs. Learning from North and South
Erasmus Plus - Creation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -EUMentorSTEM
SEED - Social Innovation Ecosystem Development
Research Grant - Encouraging entrepreneurship by graduate students: The role of proactive policies
PRIN - Creativity, Audiences and Social Evaluation An Empirical Inquiry into the Emergence and Legitimation of Novelty CASE
EIT - Mobility as a Service for All (Mass-Small) project
Climate KIC - Integrated Technology for Electric Mobility TIME ACCELERATOR
Climate KIC - Mechanical Storage for household renewables MECHSTORE
Climate KIC - Bioplastic from sludge B-PLAS
Climate KIC - Re-Industrialise
H2020 - Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training - PLOTINA
Research Agreement with Brazilian Universities – Disentangling network and entrepreneurial roles in clusters: preparing for a joint research project- Net-wine
MIUR Project Department of Excellence
H2020 AerIal RoBotic technologies for professiOnal seaRch aNd rescuE – AIRBORNE
KIC Raw Material - RAw Materials Exploration and Sustainability -RAMES
Managing issues in running University museums and collections - UnaMuseums
Alma Idea – Measuring public value in universities
Alma Idea- L’inserimento nel lavoro: prospettive individuali, dinamiche organizzative e politiche del lavoro
Alma Idea- Riconoscere il Nuovo: Le Determinanti Socio-Cognitive dei Processi di Valutazione delle Novità (RINO)
Alma Idea- Student ENTrepreneurship: l’attività imprenditoriale dei neolaureati in Italia (StudENT)
Internationalisation call – The effectiveness of failure management to the customer: analysis and guidelines for the employees.
Internationalisation call – Real Estate Finance
LATTEFIENO.APP - Innovazione organizzativa per una filiera del Latte Fieno STG a sostegno degli Appennini della Regione Emilia-Romagna
LEDAM Leveraging competences and skills of professionals in digital and automated manufacturing processes
OMNI-BEAST - OMNI - BE Aware Student
EReadyMonitor - The Engagement Readiness Monitor project
Pack&Go - Study and development of a new packaging for fresh and processed agricultural products aimed at reducing the environmental impact and developing a new direct and multichannel consumption model