Funding Agency: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR)
Funding Program: Projects of Relevant National Interest - PRIN 2022
When experiencing a systemic shock, it is very likely that organizational actors closely cooperate to restructure and reorganize internal resources and processes to maintain their functioning during adversity. The result of this huge collective effort, which goes beyond leveraging the capacity of being more prepared to cope with future shocks, is the development of newer organizational routines, greater diffused resilience, new knowledge, processes, meanings, and strategies that renew and transform organizations, by fostering organizational learning and allowing to benefit t from experimented innovations.
This research aims to improve the current understanding of how innovative routines, practices, and behaviors introduced by organizations while coping with systemic shocks can be maintained and capitalized in the post-shock period.
DiSA role: Principal Investigator
DiSA Team Leader: Marcelo Russo
DISA Team members: Massimiliano Bergami, Gabriele Morandin, Claudia Manca, Ludovico Bullini
Project Partners:
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Università degli Studi di Padova
Total project cost: 340,626 €
Start date: 29/09/2023 - End date: 28/09/2025