EIBURS - Financing Knowledge Transfer in Europe (FinKT)

To analyse the financial instruments and the forms of partnerships between financial investors and universities/PROs that can facilitate technology transfer in Europe.

Scholars, policy makers and university staff in Europe are investing considerable resources in understanding the various elements that make up the wide range of technology transfer activities available for universities and research centers, for the commercialization of their technologies. The aim was to focus on useful policy and management elements to support consistently these mechanisms. This project aimed to improve our understanding of these activities through three main research activities focused on:

  1. the institutional context for technology transfer and the financial instruments for intellectual property in Europe through a multi-country comparison,
  2. the determinants of exploitation of the intellectual property of universities and public research organizations: licenses, patents and start-ups,
  3. the design and impact of financial instruments for technology transfer.

Coordinator: Prof. Paola Giuri
Partner: Bocconi University
Partecipants from the Department of Management: Paola Giuri, Maurizio Sobrero, Salvatore Torrisi, Federico Munari, Grimaldi Rosa, Marco Corsino, Laura Toschi, Simone Santoni, Ruslan Galiakhmetov, Pooyan Khashabi, Martina Pasquini.
Duration: 3 years from March 2012 to March 2015)