Erasmus Plus - Creation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -EUMentorSTEM

Granted by Erasmus Plus Programme

Coordinator University of Bologna  - Dept. of Management  (prof. Rosa Grimaldi) in collaboration with the Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"


  1. Greek Women's Engineering Association Greece
  3. Föreningen WiTEC SWEDEN Sweden

Duration: 2 years – from 01/11/20117 to 31.10.19

Objective: EUMentorSTEM was designed to address three critical phenomena in Europe: the increasing influx of migrants; the gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sectors; and the disadvantage faced by highly-skilled migrant women in the labor market stemming from the intersection of gender, age and ethnicity. The project aimed to support the labour market participation (as paid employees or as entrepreneurs) of migrant women with a STEM background by: a) enhancing migrant women’s soft skills to increase their chances to succeed in the labor market; b) implementing the competences in mentoring and coaching (M&C) of the professionals (job counsellors, career advisers, educators, social workers, HR staff, etc.) who can intercept this highly specific category of beneficiaries. The four project outputs have been:

1) collaborative assessment phase, aimed at increasing the understanding of the training needs of the project beneficiaries (IO1 Collaborative Diagnostic Assessment);

2) & 3) production phase, concerning the development and testing of training kits for migrant women and professionals (IO2 EUmentorSTEM Trainer’s kit and IO3 EUMentorSTEM Learner’s kit);

4) virtual engagement phase, regarding the creation of an online open hub to make available the training materials across Europe (IO4 EUMentorSTEM Virtual Hub for Learning and Community,

The two courses  are available in 5 languages for migrant women and traineers.