Tempus - Regional Joint Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and SME management for Western Balkan Countries - DOCSMES

The project aimed to develop and implement a doctoral program on the theme of entrepreneurship and development of small and medium-sized enterprises as a third cycle in the Balkan universities.

The main objective of this doctoral program was to increase the scientific background and entrepreneurial culture in the Balkan countries  to strengthen the connection with the labor market. The project highlighted the importance of research and its link with higher education at doctoral level through the involvement of stakeholders in the development of curricula and study programs as well as in supporting research activities.

Coordinator: University of Bologna Department of Management (prof. Massimo Bianchi)


  • University “St.Kliment Ohridski” Bitola (Macedonia - FYROM)
  • University Autònoma de Barcelona (Spagna)
  • Faculty of Economy,University of Tirana (Albania)
  • University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (Francia)
  • Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania)
  • South East European University (Macedonia – FYROM)
  • Albania Confederation Industries (Albania)
  • Agency for promotion of entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia - FYROM)
  • Macedonian Chambers of Commerce (Macedonia – FYROM)
  • Dardania University (Kosovo)

Participants from the Department of Management: Massimo Bianchi, Laura Tampieri, Francesco Maria Barbini, Rebecca Levy Orelli

Duration: 3 years- from 15/10/2010 to 14/10/2013

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