The University of Bologna has launched a call for n. 66 fixed-term positions under art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law 30th December 2010, n. 240 as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4 "Education and Research" Component 2 "From Research to Business".
Submission deadline: 30th December 2022 - 12.00 (noon, Italian time).
Go to the official announcement.
Three of these positions are open in the Departments of Management:
1. SECS-P/07 – Business Administration and Accounting Studies. The research project will address the research question of how to improve social care policies delivered by local governments, identifying which public and private actors are involved, how they are organized, and pointing out local best practices; a number of new performance indicators will be constructed to measure the level of effectiveness and efficiency at the national level, with also a comparative (within EU) perspective. The definition of the framework for performance and governance structure and implementation of a performance indicator dashboard for social care services for all Italian municipalities will be the focus of the research project. The project will be carried out in strict cooperation with the Osservatorio Nazionale Servizi Sociali Territoriali by CNEL – Consiglio Nazionale Economia e Lavoro, with whom the Department of Management already cooperates.
2. SECS-P/08 – Management. The project aims to examine the central role played by consumers in the firms’ pursuit of sustainable transitions. This research plans to identify which firms’ practices are more likely to affect consumers’ display of sustainable actions and why; to pinpoint the channels and touchpoints that are more likely to affect engagement with sustainable practices and under which circumstances to examine what is the role of consumer data, data protection, and consumer privacy in the adoption of sustainable practices. This project will involve the creation of a database mapping consumers’ online responses (e.g. engagement) to the introduction of sustainable practices by using web scraping and application programming interfaces.
3. SECS-P/09 – Corporate Finance. The first part of the project involves mapping the exposure of Italian firms to transition risk, i.e. the risk of incurring losses in the process of adjusting towards a low-carbon economy. Such mapping will be based on a mix of information available for firms of different sizes, such as: (a) CO2 emission data and EU-taxonomy-compliant disclosures for large firms; (b) sector-based proxies for small and medium enterprises. The second part of the project involves comparing the characteristics of companies that are more or less exposed to transition risk (on a stand-alone basis or possibly combined with physical risk) to assess potential differences in terms of financing choices (capital and debt structure) and investment strategies across the two groups.