KIC Raw Material - RAw Materials Exploration and Sustainability - RAMES

RAMES. RAw Materials Exploration and Sustainability

Programma Horizon 2020: Knowledge and Innovation Communities' (KIC) - EIT Raw Materials

Coordinatore Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna Scienze biologiche, geologiche e ambientali – BiGeA con la collaborazione del Dip. di Scienze Aziendali (ref. Prof. Simone Ferriani)

Partners di progetto:

  1. BioOn, Italia
  2. Geologian tutkimuskeskus - GTK (Geological Survey of Finland), Finlandia
  3. Norwegian University of Science and Technology -NTNU, Norvegia
  4. Regione Emilia Romagna , Italia
  5. SpacEarth Technology, Italia
  6. TCA SpA, Italia
  7. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid) - UPM, Spagna


Durata: 30 mesi - dal 07/01/2019 al 30/06/2021


The RAMES MSc will educate geologists and engineers in developing thorough knowledge of the RM value chain in its multifaceted ramifications. This entails primary and secondary RMs, material flux quantification, key circular economy processes, and entrepreneurial skills. RAMES represents an attempt to fertilize an MSc in ore deposits with disciplines of the KICRM initiative, which will consolidate the EIT portfolio in EIT labelled activities.