In a series of original surveys, we educe consumers' attentiveness, news sources and correctness of policy news received to explore the channels and the effectiveness of central bank communication with the general public. We administer surveys just before and right after press conferences of the Bank of England, to draw causal inference on announcements: they increase the probability of receiving correct news and reaching those who do not actively search for it. Information improves expectations. BoE followers on social media are more likely to get news, however, they report less accurate expectations, and yet are more condent in their beliefs.
Prof. Dmitri Vinogradov– University of Glasgow
Dmitri Vinogradov graduated from Moscow State Lomonosov University in Math and from Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in Economics. Received PhD in Economics from the University of Heidelberg (Germany), after which worked for 10 years at the Essex Business School, prior to moving to the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow in 2017. Research interests lie around the interaction of financial systems and the wider society, with publications on banking, financial crises, policy interventions, and their effects on expectations, individual decision-making, well-being and inequalities, inter alia. Currently a Professor of Finance at the University of Glasgow and a Leverhulme Research Fellow (two-year research grant of the Leverhulme Trust, UK).