Progetti nazionali, locali e di Ateneo
Progetti finanziati dal MIUR o che coinvolgono partner solo italiani.
A Multidimensional Model for the Transition of SMEs to the Circular Economy
Analisi dei consumatori e trasformazione tecnologica nel marketing e nella gestione dello sport (CATTSMM)
BUMOLDS: un modello di business per le piattaforme di consegna locali
CASCADE-Analisi delle criticità per la valutazione della disponibilità e della dipendenza della catena di approvvigionamento
Corporate Policies in Crisis Times: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
E-well: esports between resilience, inclusion, and social capital
From margins to mainstream: Novel perspectives on outsider innovators
Il linguaggio dell'innovazione
Institutions, Education and Entrepreneurship Studies: a Novel Perspective on University Impact (IEES)
New Technology, Old Technology: The Interplay Between Social Media and Mass Media for Social Movements
Platform Monetization: Strategies, Challenges and Implications
Quando le difficoltà sviluppano i punti di forza: trasformare l'apprendimento in innovazione. Un'analisi di individui, team e organizzazioni.
RE3WORK – REsilient REtrofitting and REuse of Water heritage and built environments: multi-objective Optimization for RisK mitigation and cultural enhancement
R.I.D.E. - Retail Industry Demand Estimation
SESG - Integrated Platform for Enhanced Analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reports
SWING Hell, purgatory, or paradise? institutionalising Smart Working in Governments
The European green energy industry: equity financing instruments and policies in the climate action agenda
The impact of diversity and inclusion on management control and corporate disclosure: the role of finance
Toward Circular Economy: A Business Model Innovation Perspective
Trust Machines for TrustlessNess (TruMaN): The Impact of Distributed Trust on the Configuration of Blockchain Ecosystems
Women’s inclusion in innovation and entrepreneurship